

Non-profit Archery Education Center | Since 2005


From Beginner to Elite, archers of all ages and ability learn about this exciting Olympic and international sport. Straight to the Point Archery has instructors that are qualified level 1 and level 2 instructors and have met the safety requirements of USA Archery (USAA). We teach in a positive learning environment and our instructors have extensive knowledge of the most advanced archery equipment and all forms of archery.
A101 Basic Archery

Description: A101 is a basic archery course that focuses on beginning archery safety, skills, and drills. Participants learn about archery form, range rules and etiquette. Form training and fun games are introduced in this class.
Equipment will be provided with exception of safety kit.

Mondays and Wednesdays, 4-5pm
Interest in learning about the sport of archery.
Minimum age 8 years old or 7 w/ pre-evaluation.
A102 Intermediate Archery

Description: A102 is an intermediate archery course that focuses on intermediate archery safety, form, and introduces new equipment styles of shooting Recurve and Compound bows. Fun games and form reinforcement techniques are emphasized in this class.
Equipment will be provided with exception of safety kit.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-5pm
A101 or recommendation from private lesson instructor.
Minimum age 7 years old.
A103 Advanced Archery

Description: After taking the A101, A102 classes, students are eligible to participate in the A103 class. This class focuses on a continued education towards tournament styles of shooting used by many archery tournament associations from around the world. Along with the tournament lesson, participants receive continued knowledge around their shooting form and advice on personal equipment selections.
Equipment will be provided with exception of safety kit.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-6pm
A101 or recommendation from private lesson instructor.
Minimum age 7 years old.


We offer several types of lessons to accommodate everyone from the first time archer to the professional archer. Our state of the art educational and training facility incorporates detailed technical video analysis combined with generations of archery experience from certified coaches and instructors. Once set up with proper fitting equipment, each archer will be given the basic safety instruction to start and will be introduced to various shooting techniques.
1-Lesson Package

Description: 1 hour of expert guidance by a USA Archery-certified coach


3-Lesson Package

Description: 3 lessons, 1 hour each of expert guidance by a USA Archery-certified coach


10-Lesson Package

Description: 10 lessons, 1 hour each of expert guidance by a USA Archery-certified coach
